Contact information

Informationen zu E-Commerce und Mediengesetz

Responsible for content

The publisher assumes the responsibility for all content published on this website. Furthermore, all content published on this website is protected by copyright.


The contents of the website of the company Farkas Kosmetik LADY ESTHER are protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Except for downloads offered for use in the original version, the use of the texts and illustrations, even in part, without the prior written consent of the company Farkas cosmetics LADY ESTHER violates the provisions of copyright law and is thus illegal. This applies in particular to all exploitation rights such as duplication, translation or use in electronic systems.

Non-binding information

The contents of this website are compiled with the utmost care. Nevertheless, the provider assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information provided.


We dissociate ourselves from all contents of the sides, which are attainable over links from this side and take over no responsibility for contents offered there. We have no influence on the fact that the operators of the linked pages comply with the data protection regulations. The contents of external links are not checked by us. They are subject to the liability of the respective provider.


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Address Farkas Kosmetik

Kaiser Ebersdorfer Strasse 79
1110 Wien

Phone 01 / 7676926
Fax 01 / 7676926
Inhaber Raimund Farkas

USt-IdNr.: AT U64608124

Name der Bank : Bank Austria
IBAN: AT43 1200 0525 0500 0001
Kontoinhaber: Raimund Farkas